Anaerobic Digestion breaks down biodegradable material (slurry, grass, and food waste) in the absence of oxygen, producing biogas. Biogas is a renewable fuel source that can be used for heat, electricity and transport. A feasibility study has been completed, assessing the potential use of biogas to meet our peninsula’s energy needs sustainably and affordably. Biogas is currently used worldwide in domestic, agricultural, municipal and industrial applications. This study provides the necessary information to develop a vision for including the use of biogas in Dingle Peninsula 2030.
About the study:
Circular Economy thinking is an economic system where waste and resource use are minimised. This study utilises the circular economy system by viewing organic wastes, agricultural by-products and feedstocks as valuable resources when turned into biofuel, creating new economic opportunities for our local community. The study assessed the availability of biodegradable material on the peninsula as a resource to make biogas. The next step will be to compare the possible pathways from feedstock to energy end use for biogas, considering their environmental, social, and economic impacts. The study will provide a roadmap for the deployment of anaerobic digestion systems on the peninsula.
This study is funded by Údarás na Gaeltachta through the EU LECo project and by Gas Networks Ireland. It was undertaken by XD Sustainable Energy Consulting Ltd., a team of experts in biogas systems design and engineering, advanced renewable energy systems and spatial planning. The team consists of: Xavier Dubuisson, energy engineer, Tim Clarke, bioenergy expert, Sarah Kandrot, spatial analysis expert, Donncha Ó Ceilleachair, local farmer and community champion, David Wall, UCC lecturer, and Dónal Ó Céilleachair, energy engineering student at UCC.
Bioenergy News

Catch-up on Anaerobic Digestion Webinar April 22
“I would love to see a community-based digestor in Dingle” MaREI’s Prof. Jerry D. Murphy Just one of the takeaway points from our recent session on Anaerobic Digestion (AD) held

Gas from grass may be West Kerry’s Energy of the future
Biogas – A renewable fuel for the sustainability energy transition of the Dingle Peninsula?
Kerryman Article July 2019

Radio Kerry Interview with Denis Galvin
Insightful Radio Kerry Interview with Denis Galvin, ESB Networks Ambassador for the Dingle Project and member of the Dingle Peninsula Anaerobic Digestion Steering Group. Climate Action Plan Reaction – June 18th, 2019