In March 2018, a meeting was held between representatives of the Dingle Hub and Kerry Education and Training Board (now Kerry College) to discuss how Kerry ETB might become a partner and help the Dingle Peninsula and, ultimately, County Kerry, to transition to a low carbon society. It was agreed that Kerry ETB, with the support of the Dingle Hub and the wider Corca Dhuibhne/Dingle Peninsula 2030 team, would provide a training course in Dingle for local participants, which would equip them to help, enable and support people (in a factual, non-judgmental manner) to adapt their current energy lifestyles.
In mid-2019, after much deliberation about the type and length of course, it was decided to run a 12-week part-time programme for Community Energy Mentors. Kerry ETB engaged Impact Training to oversee the logistics and delivery of the training.
After over a year of planning and development, the Community Energy Mentor Course began on 13 November 2019, with 10 participants, and ended on 13 February 2020.